
Welcome to Churchill School, part of the Unity Schools Partnership, a unique environment which caters for students aged between 8 and 18 who are of average or above average cognitive ability, usually with a diagnosis of language and communication difficulties and high functioning autism. Students at Churchill school are at the centre of everything we do. We have high expectations for both behaviour and achievement and see that every learner has a unique personality and talents to be developed.
Our school was inspected in June 2019 when the overall effectiveness was judged to be outstanding. The inspection report states:
“The school is a very calm, caring place, where pupils feel comfortable and able to deal with any difficulties and previous negative experiences of education. Pupils appreciate the chance they have to improve their knowledge and skills in such a supportive environment where all staff care and understand them. As one pupil stated, this is ‘a high-functioning autism paradise’. The ethos of high expectations is woven into every moment of the school day. All staff, including office staff, midday staff and teaching assistants, have positive interactions with pupils that are welcoming, polite and warm. Pupils learn how to make the most of their time in the school. They improve their learning skills and successfully transition to the next stage in education”
While at the school students are offered a curriculum which is not only broad and balanced but also exciting and challenging. Values and skills are taught together in a language rich environment which is supportive and safe but also inspiring and exciting. Our school encourages students to begin to take responsibility for their own learning while recognising and respecting the needs of others.
Our outstanding team is dedicated to providing the very best opportunities for the students who attend Churchill. The school community works hard to prepare students for future education and to help them acquire the skills and enthusiasm needed to pursue learning for the rest of their lives.
Chris Komodromos