You, as parents/carers, are valued as your children’s first and most important educators and we work hard to develop a strong partnership that continues throughout their school life. Your child’s education and welfare is a shared responsibility between home and school. If, at any stage, you have concerns, please discuss them with the most appropriate person, for example the class tutor, subject specialist or therapist. Where problems are of a more serious or persistent nature additional help may be enlisted from the Headteacher.

We use ParentMail to send letters and newsletters to Parents and Carers. Click on the logo to login to your account.

The Link Book – each student has a home to school Link Book which contains a space for class teachers and parents to make comments about students on a daily basis.
Click on the link to follow Churchill School’s twitter feed.
It is very important that Churchill School holds current contact details for Parents and Carers. Please contact the School Office to update us with any changes to your contact details.