Role and Purpose
Our PTFA works in partnership with the staff of Churchill Special School to make a difference to each and every child by linking parents and families, pupils, teachers, staff, friends and community members.
The purpose of our PTFA is to raise funds to assist in the provision of educational resources and enriching experiences, spending money on things that will benefit the children directly. There is an endeavour to spend the funds in ways that will benefit all of our children across all areas of the school and curriculum. Many of the resources purchased will have a direct link to our School Improvement Plan.
Supporting the School
All staff, volunteers and families are automatically members of Churchill Special School PTFA when they join our school. The PTFA values the contribution of all members of the school community and of the wider community, of which we are a part.
Another important role of Churchill Special School PTFA is to provide a forum for parents to have a say and play a more direct role in the school’s progress, commenting on new proposals and fundraising initiatives.
All staff, volunteers and families are automatically members of Churchill Special School PTFA when they join our school.
Uniting Parents
Parenting a child who has complex special needs can be a trying and isolating challenge for some of our families. Also many of our children come to school by taxi, travelling long distances from across the whole of Suffolk, as well as from our neighbouring counties of Essex and Cambridgeshire. Consequently there is often little opportunity for day to day contact with other parents and families.
One of the PTFA’s main ambitions is to unite the families through a range of inclusive and accessible social events such as; quiz nights, regular coffee groups, summer picnics and Christmas get-togethers, or through our termly PTFA newsletter which keeps parents informed of our achievements and of forthcoming planned events.
Something for Everyone
Our PTFA has tried to adapt to take into account the wide spread of our catchment, everyone’s increasingly busy lifestyles and also the impact of the challenging financial climate on all of us. The PTFA is also extremely conscious of the ethos and diversity of our school and we try very hard when organising and planning events to respect this. Consequently not all events are run as fundraisers.
All parents, families and members of the school community are warmly welcomed and are encouraged to get involved. The PTFA can be contacted via email on