On Monday, our lovely Y11s spent the day at Curwen Print creating some lovely art to support the Art GCSE curriculum. The outcomes were fantastic!

Today BBC Look East came to Churchill School to do a report on how pupils are learning in a Autism friendly environment, where they can be themselves and achieve excellent outcomes, both academically and socially.
Today, our lovely students showcased some brilliant artwork in our first art exhibition. Thank you to all of our parents and carers that came to support.

Wow, what a day! One of our fantastic football teams was in action against
@SbrSchool. All students were an absolute delight showing great sportsmanship. Thank you SBR for a great game of football!

We are very pleased to have received the following report which states that Churchill School has taken effective action to maintain the standards identified at the previous inspection in 2019 which was graded Outstanding. The report can be found using the link: https://reports.ofsted.gov.uk/provider/25/139732
So far this academic year we have raised the following:
World Mental Health Day – £75.00
Wear It Pink Day – £110.00
Children In Need – £75.50

Some students represented the school at the Cross Country competition at The Royal Hospital School in Ipswich. They performed magnificently!

Class 5 had their training day – their favourite cooking! They made some fantastic dishes.

Congratulations to our new reading ambassadors who will be promoting reading across the school.