Churchill School

Churchill Summer Fete – 10 Year Celebration

On Friday 12th July 2024 the PTFA held a school summer fete to celebrate 10 years of Churchill School. The total figure of £714 was raised. We would like the PTFA for organising this wonderful event, which all children and their families enjoyed. Thank you!

All students attended our sports day which was held at the Haverhill New Croft facility. The students enjoyed their day which included Axe Throwing, Grazy Golf and some fun inflatables.

On the evening of June 27th 2024 we held our Annual Awards Evening where we celebrate all the achievements of our pupils over the year. It was a very enjoyable evening and we would like to thank Mr Fuller for being our guest of honour.

Class 1 had a brilliant day at Kentwell Hall for the ‘Kentwell Through The Ages History event’. This educational visit is in support of our KS2 History curriculum.

Class 5 worked super hard to get 600 Churchill points. Today, they cashed them in for a reward trip to Colchester Leisure World! Thanks Miss Munro for organising.

Well done Churchill! Thank you to everyone who donated towards our ‘Purple Day’. The money raised has gone to an incredible cause and we have raised £110 for Cancer Research.

Today, we had the pleasure of Dr. Matthew Bothwell visiting us from Cambridge University. He shared his breadth of knowledge of all things space! Our students were over the moon at meeting a real astronomer!

Meet DJ and Dennis, our ducklings that hatched a few weeks ago, have come to the pastoral office for a visit!

A massive thank you to all that have contributed to our book fair! Over a 1/3 of our pupils have purchased a new book, raising over £100 in rewards!