Churchill School

Churchill students honoured in end of year ceremony

Students at Churchill School have been praised for their hard work and commitment in an end-of-year awards ceremony.

Every single student from the Haverhill school received medals to celebrate their school work and attitude during the ceremony that was held at neighbouring Samuel Ward Academy.

They were also all praised individually by their form tutor who made speeches on the night while five special awards, around the school values, were also handed out by headteacher Chris Komodromos.

They were given to Jack Hazelwood (responsibility), Harry Scarfe (respect), Hannah Patmore (compassion), Logan Finch (courage) and Ted Uney (resilience).

Mr Komodromos said: “We wanted to hold an awards ceremony to showcase the amazing hard work and dedication of the students.

“They have all upheld our school values over the last year and it was a wonderful evening of celebration.

“We would like to thank all the students and family members who attended the event and also everyone who worked so hard to make the evening such a success.

“I would also like to thank our special guests – Lucie Calow, Director of SEND at Unity Schools Partnership, and all our school trustees who helped present the awards.”

Students at Churchill Special school have begun benefitting from a new library that has doubled in size.

The school officially opened their new library last week with headteacher Chris Komodromos saying that it has already made a big impression on students and staff alike.

He explained: “Literacy is a big part of Churchill School and we are delighted to have this new library and very welcome environment for all our students.

“The previous library was quite cramped and didn’t allow us to organise the books in the way we wanted.

“But thanks to the hard work of some staff members, which included kitting out the new library over the summer holidays, we now have a space we can all be proud of.”

The new library allows the school to have particular themed areas including author of the month and a careers section. Students are also being encouraged to complete their own book reviews.

Mr Komodromos particularly wanted to thank Sam Crouch, who is responsible for the library, and English coordinator Georgie Crawford for their work on the project.

A summer fair which saw pupils get the chance to dunk their headteacher has been declared a success.

Churchill School held their summer fair on Friday with a host of activities run outside their main building.

Various student-run stalls, football games and a magician were among the highlights.

As was the chance to throw wet sponges at headteacher Chris Komodromos, who said: “The summer fair was a great chance to bring everyone together with parents invited as well.

“Teaching life skills are an important part of our curriculum so it was great to see students organising stalls and deciding how to spend their ‘tokens’.

“We would like to thank everyone who attended and supported the summer fair, which raised more than £750 to support the children’s education.”

Students at Churchill School have been praised after showcasing their creative skills in a new poetry book.

The Haverhill school took part in the Young Writers’ poetry competition which led to their poems published in the book, Empowered – Rhymes on Fire.

Everything from Christmas, video games and a pet dog featured in the poems produced by students from Years 8, 9, 10 and 11.

English teacher Georgina Crawford said: “We are all very proud of the students for coming up with such creative poems and having their work published.

“Under the theme of ‘Empowered’, we had a fantastic selection of genres and styles, ranging from comedic poems to romantic sonnets.

“It was fabulous to see so many students engage with this national competition and show their emotions and feelings through poetry.”