Welcome to Class Four
About Our Class
In Class 4 there are 12 students. The lessons follow the KS3 curriculum leading towards their GCSEs at the end of Year 11. We utilise specialist teachers from within Churchill School. All teachers come to our classroom and work alongside support staff to deliver high quality lessons in a familiar environment.
During lessons, students may work together in small groups, in pairs or independently. They can also choose to work in a quiet area if needed. There are also opportunities for students to work in small group rooms with adults.
Our Day
Each day, we begin with meeting time. In meeting time, we review the daily visual timetable and discuss lessons we will be having. This gives students the opportunity to raise any concerns or ask questions. Students are also prepared in advance of any impending variation to the timetable, for example visitors or room changes. Also, in meeting time we keep up to date with current affairs by watching Newsround, have quiet reading time, deliver units of work provided by our speech and language team and discuss the weekly picture news.
On Monday and Friday, the children have 5 lessons throughout the day, these lessons can be in the classroom or in a variety of rooms around the school depending on the lesson. Food and nutrition gives the children the opportunity to learn in the cooking room, art in the art room, PE and DofE in the sports hall or outside and computer science in the ICT suite. On Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday following lesson 5 there is enrichment. Tuesday enrichment focuses on RSHE and careers, Wednesday focuses on developing independence and Thursday is experiences.
Our Timetable
Our timetable is arranged as follows: two 60-minute lessons before a 15-minute break, two 60-minute lessons before a 40-minute lunch and then we end our day with one last 60-minute lesson.
Our class timetables can be found in the attachments section on this page.
Mr Russell
Associated Pages
For further details regarding the principles of our curriculum and the courses available to our students select the ‘Our Curriculum’ tile below. Select the ‘Our Subjects’ tile for information on the curriculum content within each subject taught at Churchill School.