Welcome to Class Six
About Our Class

In Class Six, there are students who work in a range of situations, including whole class, collaborative group and individual learning. Students are encouraged to work as independently as possible in order to prepare them for college; however, adult support is always available. Some students are supported by a Speech and Language Therapist, Occupational Therapist, Pupil Support Co-ordinator, Family Liaison Officer, Careers and Transition Officer and two full time teaching and learning assistants.
Our Day
Our day begins with meeting time where we go through our timetable for the day and share any relevant notices. On Mondays we watch CBBC Newsround and discuss current events in the world. On Tuesdays and Thursdays we have personal or group reading time. On Wednesdays we share and discuss Picture News resources that allow for interesting and rich discussions about a range of topics and life situations. On Fridays, we focus on Numeracy revision to help embed the key skills and concepts needed at GCSE. Our day ends with a class Wordle and a review of our day and preparation of the day ahead.
Our Timetable
Daily lessons in class follow the Key Stage 4 GCSE curriculum, where students are taught by subject specialist teachers. Students’ social and emotional well-being skills are supported in class through weekly PSHE lessons and during meeting times.
Our class timetables can be found in the attachments section on this page.
We strive to meet the individual needs of students both within lessons and through intervention programmes that develop literacy and numeracy skills and address social, speech, language and physical needs.
Associated Pages
For further details regarding the principles of our curriculum and the courses available to our students select the ‘Our Curriculum’ tile below. Select the ‘Our Subjects’ tile for information on the curriculum content within each subject taught at Churchill School.