Churchill School

Duke of Edinburgh

Achieving a DofE Award requires resilience and commitment and enables young people to see how their efforts add value and impact, both to themselves and others.

The experiences gained through completing a DofE programme provides them with plenty of discussion points at interviews and examples of situations where they have demonstrated skills such as leadership, team building, commitment, perseverance, and organisational skills.

When a young person does their DofE programme, they’ll develop the skills and attitudes they need to become more rounded, confident adults.

Personal development links:

  • Willingness to participate in a variety of communities and social settings, including by volunteering, cooperating well with others and being able to resolve conflicts effectively
  • Self-belief, self-confidence, and a sense of identity
  • Initiative
  • A sense of responsibility and the ability to learn from and give back to others in the community
  • A real awareness of their strengths
  • New talents and abilities
  • The ability to plan and use time effectively
  • Building new friendships
  • Leadership and team working skills, problem solving, presentation and communication skills